Friday, November 11, 2011

A new Canary island emerges from under the ocean

An underwater volcano has bubbled toward the surface off the coast the southernmost island of the Canaries for over a month now, staining the sea green and spewing magma up to 65 feet in the air.

Until recently, the explosive power of the volcano was barely visible from the surface. Now, stones and debris have been seen shooting out of the volcano as it rises toward open air.

The underwater volcano has now breached the surface and many in the Canary Islands are brainstorming names for the new island. Proposed names include "The Discovery," "Atlantis," and "The Beast." Yet, even if the volcano does surface in to a new island (as predicted), a new name may not be necessary. Just three miles off the southern coastline of El Hierro, the potential island could easily join up with the existing island over time.

Either way, the anticipation of a rising land mass has people excited. The Canary Islands newspaper La Provincia proclaimed, "The Monster Rises Out of the Water." Meanwhile other Spanish newspapers debate who would take responsibility for the new territory.

Residents of El hiero have been evacuated now due to the Sulfurous fumes, threefold rise in C02 and the 10,000 minor but increasingly shallow focus earthquakes.

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