Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Year 11 do you know your case studies?

Population dynamics

Russia - an example of a country with a declining population.
Yemen - an example of a country with an increasing population.
Japan - an example of an ageing population.
Mexico - an example of a youthful population.
Sweden and Estonia - examples of pro natal policies.
India and China - examples of anti natal policies.
UK and USA - examples of immigration policies.

Consuming resources

Wind power in the USA - an example of renewable energy
Biogas in India - an example of sustainable energy
Natural gas in Europe - an example of non renewable energy
California - example of post oil future ideas

Living spaces

UK to Spain - examples of stresses and strains
Birmingham airport expansion - example of greenbelt under threat
Tokyo - an example of demand for urban spaces
Martin - an example of a green village
Curitiba, Brazil - an example of an eco town

Making a Living
Mexico and India (Mumbai) - examples of causes and impacts of industrialisation
Germany and Glasgow - examples of causes and impacts of deindustrialisation
The Big Sheep - an example of farm diversification
Fort Dunlop - an example of using brownfield sites sustainably
You need an ecotourism case study (Australia? Siwa?)

Changing Cities

London - large case study to cover all aspects

Development dilemmas

India - large case study to cover all aspects
Can also refer to water aid in Malawi for bottom up development

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