Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Disaster strikes Japan

JAPANESE EARTHQUAKE strikes on 11th March.

Measured 8.9 on the Richter scale which is 100 times more powerful than the recent Christchurch earthquake!
Triggered a Tsunami that crashed through the East Coast. The earthquake was also felt hundreds of miles away in Tokyo where buildings swayed and people ran for safety.
As you can see from the picture above, there were hundreds of quakes and aftershocks in the region, many measuring over 6 on the Richter scale.
The unusual amount of tectonic activity has actual caused the whole of Japan to shift position by 8 feet!!!
Since the original eruption, there have been explosions at a Japanese nuclear power plant which is now threatening many people and causing widespread evacuation.
The Death toll stands at 1400 with over 10,000 still missing and 250,000 living in temporary shelters.

This is a really shocking event to have happened. Think about the impacts on Japan's economy, help needed from other nations and other long term impacts of this disaster.

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