Friday, January 22, 2010

Haiti - worst disaster in memory?!

Haiti - Struck by an earthquake disaster
Date - Tuesday 12th January
Richter - 7.0
Epicentre - only 15km outside capital city

  • Over 200,000 dead and toll still rising.

  • Earthquake will completely devastate the economy of Haiti as it is still also suffering the fall out from a number of hurricanes.

  • The streets of Port-au-Prince are nothing more than a gaping wound, where corpses are tangled with the remains of houses, shops... Schools and hospitals crumble, people are buried under the tons of rubble, or are waiting for a charitable hand that will come to their aid, and while this is happening, the looters are at work in the shops. Some people have lost their children, others their parents. Haiti has new orphans. Today it is very difficult to maintain hope, but as the saying goes, hope makes us live, so let us all join hands and keep hope alive."

To find out more type in Haiti earthquake to Google and you will be inundated with information... This is probably the biggest natural disaster certainly in your memory! Can you help in any way?

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